Written by Branimir Lokner
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
" R.O.C.K.O.H.O.L.I.C."
( RQ Records ) 2006.
Hard rock/melodic hard rock/rock
Rydell & Quick are Swedish band, consists of two persons - lead singer/guitarist Christer Rydell and saxophonist Malin Quick A mentioned rockers have a following musicians behind, and as a act, they are on special mission - to spread a rock message worldwide. They are constantly on
tour, and till now a band performed beleive or not on 3000 concerts/gigs. They are always ready and willin' for bikers meetings and similiar manifestations, but its music is also enough convinceble with one absolutely positive approach and same realization. They have offered a 10 songs on its album, which oriantation mainly apsorbs hard rock/rock and melodic hard rock elements as well. But, they are not a group with old-fashion manniristical intentions, their sound is pretty near to nowadays standards, and all other technical aspects from its album satisfies as well. " R.O.C.K.O.H.O.L.I.C." also comprises a radio friendly songs, equally acceptable for studio and concert usings/performings. For all followers of sincere and basicaly simply, but at the same time convinceble hard rock/rock, Rydell & Quick album is a real gift
Rating : 8,5 / 10
C/ o : www.rydellquick.se
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