Written by Branimir Lokner
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
( Self - released ) 2009.
Rock/hard rock/power pop
Straybullet are newer Brazilian act. A some period ago, they have released an EP, with 3 songs in :" Hard Blood" ( mixed by legendary Beau Hill ), "Fields Of Sands" and " Awaken". A mentioned tracks found its place in some USA and UK radio programs, and also some indie distributors sell a band's EP.
Straybullet are pretty melodic act, but not in classical so call hittish way, and present songs also posses one pretty forgotten 80's power pop pastiche.
" Hard Blood" and " Awaken" are very radio friendly tunes, and band members has showed a vividly skillful knowledge in general arangments threathenings.
They are a promising act, and we'll see what the future brings, especially after realization of a full-length album in the first part of 2010 year.
Rating : 7,5 / 10
C / o : www.myspace.com/straybulletonline
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