CIRRHA NIVA - For Moments Never Done
Written by Branimir Lokner
Monday, 15 February 2010
CIRRHA NIVA " For Moments Never Done "
( Parnassus Records ) 2009.
Progressive metal
A Dutch band Cirrha Niva started out in 1993 , and during the years they have released with actuelle one 6 issues, 2 Demo's, 1 EP and 3 full-lengths. But, they have also suffered from personal changes, and practically a new album a band has recorded after 8 years of discographical silence. As I saw from the band's press material and also from informations from
specially Dutch reviewers, a band drastically has changed its style, and actuelle album is musically/conceptually something new for them and for listener's population.
Cirrha Niva are faithful to progressive/symphonic metal, and its authors views also touches a modern therithory. A band's performing energy is really impressive, and all of 7 offering songs from album posses similiar threathenings and realizations. Musicians from the band are skilful performers, and technical elements funkcionizes in right way. Some of the songs also posses more theatrical performing aspects, and some similiarities with 70's symphonic legacies comes to mind, even that members from band has showed enough authors originalities. A productional work also deserves recomandations, and there's no doubt that group did a god job. " For Moments Never Done" is maybe unexpectingly very recomandable discographical come back for the band.
Rating : 8 / 10
C / o : www.cirrhaniva.nl
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