BARRY MYERS - 7th Avenue
Written by Branimir Lokner
Monday, 20 December 2010
BARRY MYERS " 7th Avenue "
( Self - released ) 2010.
Songwritings/contemporary adult rock/pop
Barry Myers is a singer/songwriter locate in Lake Mary, FL. A some months ago, he has released a " 7th Avenue" album with 9 tracks in. He was supported by several musicians and performers on his album, who took the important rola in complete songs realizations.I would mentioned two of them - a legendary guitarist Pat Travers and drummer and producer and also co-writer of two songs - Sean Shannon. Barry has offered a 9 pretty melodic and insightful songs, very listanable and eclectic at same time. Complete materials posses a pleasent atmosphere, and in some places his authors method reminds me on late Al Stewart legacy. Most of present songs are done in slower mid to mid-up tempo, and practically complete materials posses radio friendly usings. Barry offers to potentional audience a really pleasent journey, and each of present songs deserves again listenings. " 7th Avenue" is absolutely recomandable product for all the followers of mentioned sort of music.
Rating : 8 , 5 / 10
C / o : www.barrymyersmusic.com
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