ROSS SERMONS - King's Pool Room
Written by Branimir Lokner
Saturday, 22 October 2011
" King's Pool Room "
( Self - released ) 2011.
Acoustic blues - USA
One of the undoubtly thrilling and interesting album whose oriantition touches acoustic blues fields, coming out from the kitchen of guitarist and singer Ross Sermons. Born in North Carolina in the 60's, during the forthcoming period of existence, he was inspired by the blues roots legacy of the 1920's and 30's period of previous century. But, he was also a musician with longest experience behind, and his carreare deserve respectation too. He has released and recorded materials for " King's Pool Room" album during the January, this 2011 year. We can find here and there 11 tracks, recorded practically " alive" in the studio, with minimal following instrumental additionals.
Ross performs mainly, but not only, well-known blues standards or classics, with specific acoustic feelings and emotionals.A pleasent atmosphere, as same as distant playings, dominates through all present songs. Ross has also reflected as a player and singer one optimistic feel, and productionally he also did a fine job. Recomandable tracks from album could be his instrumental " game " Redbelly Shuffle" , and " You Gotta Move"...
Rating : 8, 5 / 10
C / o : www.rosssemons.com
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