HESSLER - Bad Blood
Written by Branimir Lokner
Sunday, 08 April 2012
" Bad Blood "
( Self - released ) 2011.
Sleaze rock/hard rock/metal
Hessler is a Chicago based band, active some period on national underground metal area, fronted by Polish born female singer Lariyah Daniels. During the previous 2011 year, a band has released a debut EP, with 7 tracks in, entitled " Bad Blood".
Judging by performing variants and general attitudes, a group is pretty influental by the sleaze rock tendencies, but at the same time, we can find in its approach also some 80's traces and old school hard rock/metal includings as well. They are infected by the USA movement from the 80's, but present performing energy also knows to associate on British groups from same era. A 7 present tracks are similiar among them, except one - " Scarlett", done in slower and easier mood. A members from band are well-performers, and complete group is deeply in own conception and offering views. In the other hand, we can not find more originalities in its approaches, but all things they did with lotta efforts and respectable professionalism. I would recomand a 4th track " Kamikaze " , as a most convinceble song from EP....
Rating : 7 / 10
C / o : www.hesslerchicago.com
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