TRACY TOWNS - Obliterate
Written by Branimir Lokner
Monday, 13 June 2011
TRACY TOWNS " Obliterate "
( Self - released ) 2010.
Heavy metal - USA
Tracy Towns is a guitar and bass player, singer and author of his own materials. In the past, he has participated in some groups, but in the latestt period he's running own carreare. In his studio he has recoorded a materials for 10 track album entitled " Obliterate".
With his wife Rita he penned a lyrics, and what we can find here is a version of classic and true metal variants, influental by the 80's period as well. Tracy is a convinceble singer and certain performer, and most of present songs posses a similiar approach and attitude.
Nothing specially original we can't find here and there, but under the genre's circulation, Tracy is convinceble enough. " Illusion" is possible a most interesting track from his actuelle album.
Rating : 7 / 10
C / o : www.tracytowns.com
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