Written by Branimir Lokner
Saturday, 27 March 2010
CAPITAL SONS " Dirty Neon "
( Self - released ) 2009.
Rock/alter rock/americana/grunge
Capital Sons are Minneapolis quartet, led by key person, vocalist and guitarist - Karl Obermayer. " Dirty Neon" is their actuelle offering, and that's a second effort, during the 2005 year, a group has also released a self-titled EP.
" Dirty Neon" album introduce them as a mature and well-trained act, with clear perception of own capabilities. Its songs has emotional approach, clear attitude, and same concept. But, 90's influences and also 80's includings, are more than evident in its music.Some comparabilities leads to Pearl Jam, as a one of main influental act, and generally grunge and americana traces are present in its songs. On the other hand, " Dirty Neon" is seriously threathed album, where strong melodicity characterize practically each song separately. All of 7 tracks are precisely arranged, and I would add that production also communicate with standards of our time. A fourth song - " High - Heeled Boots", could be a favourable one to my taste.
Capital Sons in its own way " recapitulate" 90's period, but band has offered own interesting, and also enough convinceble concept.
Rating : 7,5 / 10
C / o : www.capitalsons.com
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