THE CONFUSIONS - A Permanent Marker
Written by Branimir Lokner
Thursday, 04 March 2010
THE CONFUSIONS " A Permanent Marker "
( Massproduktion ) 2009.
As the many national reviewers used to say, The Confusions are one of Sweden cleverest pop export, and band's carreare deserves absolute respect and recomandations. A group started out during the 90's, a first album looked the light of day in 1996, and that was " Everyone's Invited". During the forthcoming period, a band has released a 8 albums, some EP's, and " A Permanent Maker" is actuelle one. We can find a 13 unique and in some way complexive tracks, where " I Won' t be Sober When This Is Over" could be a leading one, and band did a video clip for mentioned track. The Confusions combines 80's and 90's elements in its approach , and we can find equally british post 80's details as same as 90's indie pop/rock opservations, in its offering. But, a group creates own messages and views, so in its authors works we can find many original includings.
The atmosphere between songs varies, but a similiar mentioned complexivities characterize present material in general. " A Permanent Marker" isn't album acceptable on first listening, and a group's songs deserves constant analysation. A personal favorite from band's actuelle offering could be a opening song " Boys Will Be Boys", and closing track " Love".
Rating : 8 / 10
C / o : www.massproduktion.com
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