PROXIMAL DISTANCE - Proximal Distance
Written by Branimir Lokner
Sunday, 13 February 2011
" Proximal Distance "
( Self - released ) 2010.
Progressive/progressive rock
Out of USA comes a newer project/band and progressive collaboration between Jeff Hamel of Majestic ( guitars, keyboards, bass, vocals ), and Greg Johns of Slychosis ( guitars, keyboards, bass, mandolin, vocals ). Joining them are Jeremy Mitchell and Todd Sears, both of Slychosis, and two female vocalists - Sarah Hamel and Jessica Rasche. I would also mentioned
additional person, who is responsible for great artwork of CD - Vladimir Moldawsky. Proximal Distance has offered a brilliant amalgam of several progressive elements in its album materials, as a 70's inspiring symphonic rock, space rock, and some Floydish influental traces as well. Fine and complexive arrangments, a certain playings, modern production and convinceble autrhors creations, characterize their self titled album.
A musicians who was responseble for final look of mentioned album, also posses a strong knowledge about progressive as a genre, and that's evident after listening just a few tacts from CD. Procimal Distance and their debut offering is must for every collection ,of all serious progressive followers...
Rating : 9 / 10
C / o : www.proximaldistance.com
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