THE SILENT TREATMENT - Passion In Progress
Written by Branimir Lokner
Sunday, 27 February 2011
" Passion In Progress "
( Eschelon Records ) 2009.
Power pop/melodic rock
The Silent Threatment are Southern Californian quartet, active some period. Firstly, they have released an album, entitled " Sinful Acts Of Audio" ( 2008. ) and received a pretty respectable recognitions and critics. " Passion In Progress" is their second edition from 2009 year, and this is an EP with 4 tracks in : "Backseat Woman " , " Valentine", " Hush", and " So Naughty". With their absolutely fresh and convinceble sound, a group deliver a portion of power pop and melodic rock elements, fulfield with some retro 70's and 80's touches as well. Honestly, they knows to remind especially on USA power pop acts from mentioned era, but also accepts a psychology of our time. All of present 4 tracks posses radio friendly usings, distant melodicity and fine choruses. If you are fan of power pop and melodic rock tendencies, with some retro associations, don' t hesitate to taste the band....
Rating : 8 / 10
C / o : www.myspace.com/thesilenttreatment
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