BURDEN OF LIFE - Ashes Of Existence
Written by Branimir Lokner
Friday, 03 April 2009
BURDEN OF LIFE " Ashes Of Existence "
( Deaf End Records ) 2008.
Melodic metal/various metal genres
Out of Regensburg, South Germany comes a young metal band Burden Of Life. They started as a group in 2002, but first discographical step happened in 2007 year, when band has recorded a debut offering. "Ashes Of Existence" is its second effort, and band has a highest expetations of forthcoming carrear.
Burden Of Life's approach could be described as a sort of melodic metal with harsh vocal threathenings. Also, a keybord includings dominates through its sound.A songs also were done with hint of thrash and death metal, but mentioned melodic metal variant covers its oriantations in general. A group has offered a few interesting ideas through its performing realizations, but even of solid lyrical views and quite convinceble technical realizations, a weacker element belongs to really unsatisfied productional work. A production is mostly weak, or simply wrongly threathed, and mentioned element in some aspects minimize positive opinion of "Ashes Of Existence" album qualities.
Burden Of Life showcases respectable talents, and that's a good basis for following recordings.
Rating : 6,5/10
C / o : www.burdenoflife.de
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