Vertigo Steps - Vertigo Steps
Written by Branimir Lokner
Monday, 19 January 2009
VERTIGO STEPS " Vertigo Steps "
( Self - released ) 2008.
Dark/atmospheric/progressive metal
A newer project/band of a Bruno.A.from Arcane Wisdom fame is - Vertigo Steps. They were formed in 2007 year, and released an album material at the end of previous 2008. With the additional players as a frontman/singer Niko Mankinen from known Misery Inc. band, bass player Stein R. Sordal from Green Carnation, plus rhythm section comphrise of drummer Daniel Cardoso and Alexandre Ribeiro on fretless bass and some other guests, he has created an unusual variant of dark/atmospheric/progressive metal, with pretty original taste. A 10 offering tracks posses untipical atmophere and performimg dinamizations, and judging by arrangments offering, a songs are mostly different among them.Authors creativities are clear, and band didn' t pass through so call technical supremation. Vertigo Steps also has offered a many non-metal traces on its s/t album, but complete final picture absolutely will satisfie potential listeners population.
Rating : 8,5/10
C / o : www.vertigosteps.com
e-mail : vertigosteps@gmail.com
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