Friday, June 18, 2010

HEARTS AND DAGGERS - And Then There Was Dust

HEARTS AND DAGGERS - And Then There Was Dust

Written by Branimir Lokner
Friday, 18 June 2010

HEARTS AND DAGGERS " And Then There Was Dust "
( Self - released ) 2010.


Out of Raleigh, North Carolina comes a relatively newer act - Hearts And Daggers. They have introduced themselves to wider audience with actuelle debut album, entitled " And Then There Was Dust". A band is on therithory of rock, and USA quartet in refine way
combines older valuabilities with energy of our time. In many aspects they are deeply in roots therithory, but rock traces and punkish energy also dominates through offering materials as well. " And Then There Was Dust" are consists of mostly melodic mid to mid-up tempo tunes, with addition of some ballads. A group playing songs in equalizing manner, where controlling arrangments and mentioned melodicity, characterize album materials in general.

Rating : 7 / 10 C / o :

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