JACK DUPON - Demon Hardi
Written by Branimir Lokner
Saturday, 03 September 2011
" Demon Hardi "
( Musea / Transit Music Group ) 2011.
Avantgarde/progressive/progressive rock
Jack Dupon isn' t a single person, this is a name of the band, whose members coming out from France.A roots of this group going back to 2001 year, but later on, thay started to create own works seriously. With actuelle one, a French quartet have released a 2 albums, a first CD dated back from 2008 year. " Demon Hardi " is actuelle album, with 7 longest tracks in. Judging by musical approaches and offering concept, Jack Dupon's style is strange to describe. There's no doubt that French mates offers own vision and views, original and unique in many aspects. Some comparasions leads to Frank Zappa and King Crimson legacies, more in psychological and conceptual manner, than in performing realizations. But, present arrangments works are complexive, also touches many crossover details, and jazzy and fusion elements as well. " Demon Hardi" in the other hand are consists of mainly equalizing and convinceble materials, but not easilly acceptable for avarage listener's ear. Finally, their album hides enough unusual tricks, and band's offering could be specially interesting for avantgarde / progressive freaks .
Rating : 7 , 5 / 10
C / o : www.jack-dupon-rock-progressif.net
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