FERNWOOD - Almeria
Written by Branimir Lokner
Sunday, 19 October 2008
FERNWOOD " Almeria "
( Self - released ) 2008.
Acoustic/ambiental/progressive - USA
Todd Montgomery and Gayle Ellett, 2 skilfull and well-experienced musicians stands behind band/project Fernwood. A mentioned fellows has offered unique and unclassical musical concept. They played materials on complete album on instruments made of wood, so they delivered a specific atmosphere which consist of special pastiche nearer to psychology of so call ancient times, as same as to psychology of newer ethno influences. Album materials has recorded in Malibu & Topanga ( California ) under the productional direction of mentioned Fernwood persons and Wayne Yentis. A 12 themes and about 48 minutes of music characterize often atmospheric changes and travellings to different so call ethno locations.
And we can find here and there influences comes out from Mediterranean, Russian, as same as Middle-East theritories. Todd and Gayle knows how to combine through same approach a different instruments as a mandolin, irish bouzouki, sitar, harmonium... and its a real pleasure listening a complete album materials. As a album "Almeria" deserve your attention, so if you have a chance to face it with Fernwood message, don' t hesitate...
Rating : 9/10
C / o : www.virb.com/Fernwood
e-mail : topangamusic@netzero.net
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